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August 10, 2024
Presale tickets went on sale Friday afternoon. Find out more info on the weekend event here.
ByTravis Jaudon
Big Bounce America, home of “The World’s Largest Bounce House,” is bringing its brand-new 24,000 sq. ft. bounce house to the Savannah area in October as part of the company’s 2024 North American Tour produced by XL Event Lab. The Big Bounce America is the biggest touring inflatable event in the world and features eight massive inflatable attractions for kids and adults alike, according to the event's website.
2024 Family Promo from XL Event Lab on Vimeo.
'); })() Tickets for the Savannah event scheduled for Oct. 11-13 in Bloomingdale were made available for presale purchase beginning Aug. 9 at 1 p.m. Tour dates in cities such as New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Charleston and others have sold out in the past, according to the company’s website, which also includes a press release covering the entirety of the 2024 tour.
Big Bounce America 2024 Tour Press Release [THE BIG BOUNCE AMERICA]
It will be the first ever tour stop for The Big Bounce America in Savannah, although the event is technically being held at Ottawa Farms (702 Bloomingdale Rd.) in Bloomingdale. There are sessions for people of all ages, according to the event's web page.The Savannah event sessions on the weekend of Oct. 11-13 are:
- Toddler (ages 3 and younger)
- Junior (7 and younger)
- Bigger Kids (15 and younger)
- Adults Only (16+)
“The Big Bounce America is the perfect event for kids and adults alike to get out of the house and enjoy an outdoor event like they’ve never experienced,” said Noa Visnich, Tour Manager of The Big Bounce America, in the release. “Complementing the newly expanded biggest bounce house in the world, OctoBlast, Sport Slam, The Giant, and airSPACE make this a not to miss experience. So, we invite all kids, and kids at heart, to kick those sneakers off and PARTY ON!”
click to enlarge
The Big Bounce America
All-Access tickets are available online and include a three-hour pass to the event, including a timed session on The World’s Largest Bounce House, as well as unlimited access to OctoBlast, Sport Slam, The Giant, and airSPACE! Tickets start at $22.
click to enlarge
The Big Bounce America
“We encourage everyone to buy tickets ahead of time as the event is expected to sell out,” a communications representative for the tour told Connect Savannah on Friday. “Presale just means that we're releasing a limited number of tickets before all of the tickets go live as we get closer to the event date.”
Follow along on social media, @TheBigBounceAmerica.
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