1. Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria - The Movie Database
Bevat niet: 1980 | Resultaten tonen met:1980
Abimanyu Khatman Zakaria (Abi or Zaka) is an aspiring filmmaker from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, studying Film and Television at the Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Specializing in cinematography, sound design, editing, and acting, he is passionate about storytelling through visuals and sound. Abimanyu brings both creativity and technical skill to his work, with interests in developing impactful and educational media experiences.
2. Daftar Alumni Sipil ITENAS | IASI
IASI diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah dan sekaligus membantu para alumni untuk saling berkomunikasi dan bertemu.
Citrahost - Cloud server indonesia
3. Beto - Wedstrijden tegen ... | Transfermarkt
1980 (43); Nationaliteit: Indonesië. Lengte: 1,75 m; Positie: Centrumspits. Voorm. intern.: Indonesië · 10 dzd. €. Laatste verandering: 15 jul ...
Deze statistiek geeft een overzicht over de meest voorkomende tegenspelers van een voetballer. Daarbij worden actuele en voormalige tegenspelers per aantal van de tegen elkaar gespeelde wedstrijden opgesomd. De lijst is ook per punten gemiddelde, overwinningen, gelijke spelen, nederlagen en tegen elkaar gespeelde minuten sorteerbaar.
4. [PDF] no satuan kerja no tes nama peserta tanggal lahir bulan lahir tahun lahir
5. [PDF] 1. profile of ftui and departments
Abimanyu T. Alamsyah, M.Sc. (Ir. Architecture Universitas Indonesia, 1975; MS, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1992: Dr. Environ- mental Sciences Universitas ...
6. [PDF] ebdGTb - PPID Provinsi Lampung
21 aug 1998 · ... ZAKARIA. 15/01/1945. JL. JENDERAL SUDIRMAN RT 02 RW 04. KAB. WAY KANAN ... 1980. WAY HANDAK RT.003 RW.009. KAB. TANGGAMUS. 293. 0800097790.
7. Volume 2217 Issue 1 | AIP Conference Proceedings
Zakaria; R. M. Sirat; R. M. Saad; R. Yasak. AIP Conf. Proc. 2217, 030125 ... Adi Abimanyu; Damasus Riko Prijono; Agus Arif; Muhtadan. AIP Conf. Proc ...
8. [PDF] siswa nisn bantu.xlsx - SIAP PPDB Online
... ZAKARIA. Kab. Brebes. MTSS MAARIF NU. 69752331. 1101. 2021001882. HUDZAIFA PRIMA ... 1980. 2021000087. EDO RONGGO SAPUTRO. Kab. Cilacap. MTSS MA`ARIF SIKAMPUH.
9. Social Forestry in West Sumatra: A Review on Regulation and Its ...
17 okt 2024 · Abimanyu R. 2023. Keterkaitan kebijakan perhutanan sosial dalam ... 1980. Public choices and policy change: the political economy of ...
Perhutanan sosial merupakan sebuah program yang diyakini mampu menjawab permasalahan tenurial, peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan hidup. Realisasi perhutanan sosial tidak hanya sebatas mendapatkan izin, tetapi perlu pengembangan usaha yang lebih maju, konkret, inovatif, serta bisa melihat tantangan dan prospek ke depannya. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis Peraturan Gubernur Sumatra Barat (Pergub Sumbar) No. 52 Tahun 2018 tentang Pelaksanaan Fasilitasi Perhutanan Sosial dan Implementasinya di lapangan (Hutan Nagari Salibutan). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan kajian literatur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, analisis konten, dan analisis implementasi kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pergub Sumbar No. 52 Tahun 2018 tentang Pelaksanaan Fasilitasi Perhutanan Sosial merupakan kebijakan daerah yang mendukung kebijakan nasional. Pergub ini mengatur tentang percepatan perhutanan sosial, penyelesaian konflik tenurial, dan sinkronisasi peran para pihak dalam perhutanan sosial. Pergub ini memiliki empat ruang lingkup yang dijelaskan dalam pasal-pasalnya, yaitu fasilitasi, kelembagaan, monitoring evaluasi, dan pembiayaan yang menjadian acuan teknis di lapangan. Implementasi Pergub Sumbar No. 52 Tahun 2018 di Hutan Nagari Salibutan dapat terlaksana sesuai dengan amanat pergub dengan adanya kegiatan fasilitasi, kelembagaan, monev, dan pembiayaan yang dilakukan...
10. Oil pollution in the Eastern Arabian Sea from invisible sources: A ...
2021. TLDR. Sentinel-2 results, field photographs, analysis of the 1980–2020 daily air temperature and precipitation data, permafrost observations and ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Oil pollution in the Eastern Arabian Sea from invisible sources: A multi-technique approach." by V. Suneel et al.
11. Online Public Access Catalog - Perpusnas RI - Perpustakaan
Bevat niet: 1980 | Resultaten tonen met:1980
Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
172 106113004 ABIMANYU M. A & B. 2100. 173 106113005 ADITYA BALAJI. A & B. 2100 ... 4015 101112032 SABIR ZAKARIA. MM2GF. 2639. 4016 101112036 C.SIVA NANDHA ...
13. Online Public Access Catalog
Zakaria ...[et.al]. Penerbitan, : Pusat Pembinaan ... : Depdikbud, 1980. Konten Digital, Tidak Ada ... Abimanyu, Wirasmi. Penerbitan, : Proyek Penerbitan ...
Menampilkan 1 - 6 dari 6 hasil (0.38623809814453 detik)
14. Evaluation of Fe-Mg Binary Oxide for As (III) Adsorption—Synthesis ...
Abimanyu, Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate by transesterification with ... https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2016-0707; Huang, Magnetic nanoparticles ...
Nanotechnology has received much attention in treating contaminated waters. In the present study, a facile co-precipitation method was employed to synthesize a novel iron and magnesium based binary metal oxide using a stoichiometrically fixed amount of FeNO3·9H2O and MgNO3·6H2O in a proportion of molar concentration 1:1 and was later evaluated in removing As (III) from contaminated waters. Characterization of the prepared nanomaterial was done using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SE…
15. [PDF] daftar pustaka - Repository Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Abimanyu, K. 2016. Analisis Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Alam Danau Rawa Pening ... Kendeigh, S. C. 1980. Ecology with Special Reference to Animals and Man ...
16. [PDF] A47 Low Carbon Steel in HCl Acid Environment
... Zakaria, S., Guo, F., and Chia, C.,. 2011, Direct production of biodiesel ... Abimanyu, H., and Han, M.H., 2013, Utilization of biomass waste empty ...
17. [PDF] Social Forestry in West Sumatra - Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan
Abimanyu R. 2023. Keterkaitan kebijakan perhutanan sosial dalam upaya ... 1980. Public choices and policy change: the political economy of reform in ...
19. Climate Change: Droughts and Increasing Desertification in the ...
... 1980 and 1981-2010, i.e., computed using the 30-year average of P/PET ... Al-Ansari, N.A., Abdellatif, M., Zakaria, S., Mustafa, Y. and Knutsson, S ...
Climate change impacts on Earth’s atmosphere have caused drastic changes in the environment of most regions of the world. The Middle East region ranks among the worst affected of these regions. This has taken forms of increasing atmospheric temperatures, intensive heat waves, decreased and erratic precipitation and general decline in water resources; all leading to frequent and longer droughts, desertification and giving rise to intensive and recurrent (SDS). The present conditions have led to increasing emissions of (GHG) in the earth atmosphere. All future projections especially those using (IPCC) models and emission scenarios indicate that the Middle East will undergo appreciable decrease in winter precipitation with increasing temperature until the end of this century both of which are inductive to increased dryness and desertification. Iraq as one of the countries of this region and due to its geographical location, its dependence mostly on surface water resources originating from neighboring countries, long years of neglect and bad land management put it in the most precarious and unstable position among the other countries of the region. Modelling studies have shown that Iraq is suffering now from excessive dryness and droughts, increasing loss of vegetation cover areas, increasing encroachment of sand dunes on agricultural lands, in addition to severe and frequent (SDS). These negative repercussions and their mitigations require solutions not on the local level alone...